The course is aimed at PhD students who want to specialize in agrohydrology and quantitative agroecological system analysis.
It is divided into two parts:
Simple attendance NO EXAMINATION. 2 ECTS Price for other PhD students DKK 3.275,- A full time programme is arranged in the week just before block 1. This will include a series of short presentation, each followed by hands-on group exercises where the students learn how to use the Daisy agroecological simulation model and to analyse a simple, pre-defined system. Specifically they learn how to prepare data for the model, how to run the model, and how to extract and analyse output from the model.
Full attendance WRITING ASSIGNMENT AND ORAL EXAMINATION. 7,5 ECTS Price for other PhD students DKK 9.000,- In the second part of the course, this knowledge is used in more realistic system analyses. For master students there will be one or more-pre-defined scenarios to choose from, based on current research. PhD students will typically formulate a scenario based on their own thesis work. The students will individually or (for master students) in groups formulate hypothesis based on their chosen scenario and they will use the Daisy model to test these hypothesis. During this phase there will be no lectures, but consultations with teachers as per individual or group-agreement. The work will be documented in the form of an individual course report.
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