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FOOD PROTEINS: Significance, Reactions and Modifications - 2020
Provider: Faculty of Science

Activity no.: 5312-20-04-31 
Enrollment deadline: 06/10/2020
PlaceDepartment of Food Science
Date and time09.11.2020, at: 09:00 - 13.11.2020, at: 17:00
Regular seats38
Activity Prices:
  - University staff/Non-profit2,000.00 kr.
  - Industry/For-profit5,000.00 kr.
ECTS credits2.50
Contact personHenriette Hansen    E-mail address: henha@food.ku.dk
Enrolment Handling/Course OrganiserJeanette Otte    E-mail address: jo@food.ku.dk
Written languageEnglish
Teaching languageEnglish
Exam formActive participation during the campus course
Grading scalePassed / Not passed
Criteria for exam assessmentParticipation in the lectures and student activities is required for passing the course.
Course workload
Course workload categoryHours
Theory exercises10.00



The course will provide state of the art knowledge within food proteins, particularly on the functional properties and modifications occurring during processing, storage and digestion, as well as on methods used to detect and/or quantify these modifications. Enzymatic hydrolysis and selected health aspects will also be included. The focus will be on milk, meat and legume proteins as well as new protein sources.

Lectures and demonstrations during the on-campus week include the following topics:
• Characteristics of proteins
• Overview of food proteins
• Structure and functionality of selected proteins, such as milk proteins, meat proteins and legume proteins as well as new protein sources (algae)
• Common protein reactions in foods, such as denaturation, oxidation, glycation, and interactions with polyphenols
• Advanced methods to reveal these
• Aggregation and foaming and emulsification properties of selected proteins and effects of modifications
• Enzymatic hydrolysis of food proteins
• Digestion and health impacts of food proteins

Learning outcome
After completion, the course participants should have obtained thorough knowledge about the most important food proteins and their reactions, and be able to predict their behaviour in simple food systems. They should also be able to engage in discussions on methods suitable for analysis of proteins and modified proteins.

Relevant scientific papers, reviews and book chapters. Supplementary papers and handouts from lectures. The material will be sent to participants.

Teaching and learning methods
The course consists of lectures and colloquia where students and teachers give presentations to be discussed in plenum. Before the course, the course literature should be studied and a short project presentation (5 minutes) should be prepared.


PhD students/university staff: DKK 2,000 (EUR 269)
Participants from industry: DKK 5,000 (EUR 672)


On registration, each participant must provide a 1/2-1 page description of their project and the challenges that need to be solved, in particular with regards to methods to be applied in the project. The description must be sent to Jeanette Otte (jo@food.ku.dk).

The registration deadline is 12 October 2020.


The course will be given by researchers at the Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen (KU FOOD), in collaboration with researchers from Wageningen University, in particular Ass. Prof. Peter A. Wierenga. Experts from outside these institutions will also be invited as lecturers. Teachers from KU FOOD include Professor Marianne Nissen Lund, Associate Professor René Lametsch, Associate Professor Dereck Chatterton, and a number of others.

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