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Vascular function and angiogenesis in relation to health and physical activity
Provider: Faculty of Science

Activity no.: 5498-24-06-31There are 22 available seats 
Enrollment deadline: 02/09/2024
PlaceDepartment of Nutrition Exercise and Sports
Date and time21.10.2024, at: 08:00 - 25.10.2024, at: 16:00
Regular seats30
ECTS credits3.00
Contact personKate Wickham    E-mail address: kawi@nexs.ku.dk
Enrolment Handling/Course OrganiserYlva Hellsten    E-mail address: yhellsten@nexs.ku.dk
Written languageEnglish
Teaching languageEnglish
Scheme groupNot included in the scheme group
Exam formContinuous assessment
Grading scalePassed / Not passed
Course workload
Course workload categoryHours
Practical exercises10.00
Theoretical exercises15.00
Course Preparation7.50


Aim and content

The course covers cardiovascular function, from the microcirculation to the heart, with a focus on the influence of lifestyle-related disease and physical activity. The course will emphasize the latest state-of-the-art research in the field as well as experimental procedures and analytical methods. The course will include four international lecturers as well as several Danish lecturers, each well- renowned within their field. The lecturers are expected to participate throughout the whole course.

The course will be a combination of lectures, discussions, and practical hands-on exercises, as well as demonstration experiments, data treatment, and data presentation. An important aspect of the course will be student presentations and discussions regarding ongoing and upcoming PhD projects. There will overall be a strong emphasis on interactions between faculty and students as well as between students to promote scientific discussions as well as international networking and fostering potential collaborative opportunities.

Requirements of the registrants: The students must be registered in a relevant PhD program (e.g., human health, cardiovascular physiology, cardiovascular medicine, exercise physiology, etc.).

Learning outcome
• Gain knowledge from world experts regarding the latest state-of-the-art research in macro- and microvascular function and skeletal muscle angiogenesis and how it is influenced by lifestyle-related diseases and physical activity
• Gain insights into cutting-edge methodologies and experimental design in cardiovascular physiology

• Learn about invasive methodologies and how they could be implemented in their own research programs
• Problem solving and developing strategies to answer novel scientific questions

• Further develop experimental design/research strategies alongside world experts
• Further develop scientific presentation skills

Literature will consist of scientific articles provided as electronic links to the course participants in the weeks before course start.

Target group
This course targets PhD students at all stages (e.g., starting, middle, or finishing), who are interested in cardiovascular physiology and metabolism. The course will offer a combination of state-of-the-art lectures (methodology and findings) as well as an opportunity for small group discussions with leading experts in the field.

Teaching and learning methods
The course will be a combination of lectures, discussions, and practical hands-on exercises, as well as demonstration experiments, data treatment, and data presentation. An important aspect of the course will be student presentations and discussions regarding ongoing and upcoming PhD projects. There will overall be a strong emphasis on interactions between faculty and students as well as between students to promote scientific discussions as well as international networking and fostering potential collaborative opportunities.

Literature will consist of scientific articles provided as electronic links to the course participants in the weeks before course start.


Local Speakers
• Prof. Ylva Hellsten (University of Copenhagen, DK)
• Assoc. Prof. Lasse Gliemann (University of Copenhagen, DK)
• Assoc. Prof. Yaël Nossent (University of Copenhagen, DK)
• Assoc. Prof. Per Lav Madsen (Dept Cardiology, Herlev Hospital, DK)

International Speakers
• Prof. Chris Ellis (Western University, CAN)
• Prof. Stuart Egginton (University of Birmingham, UK)
• Prof. Coral Murrant (University of Guelph, CAN)
• Assoc. Prof. Margreet De Vries (Leiden University, Netherlands)

The course runs on-site over five full days. The students are expected to have read the articles on their own time in preparation for the lectures. The students are also expected to prepare for presentations, discussions, experimental work and data analysis. In total, the expected workload for the students amounts to at least 75 hrs of work, corresponding to 3 ECTS. The participants are expected to put at least half of these hours into selfstudy for the course, preparing presentations and articles. There is no exam but full participation and presentations are required for passing the course.


Type of assessment
Students will be required to actively participate in group discussions and will be required to deliver a scientific presentation during the PhD course regarding their ongoing/upcoming PhD project (e.g., poster presentation or oral presentation).

Course fee
There is no course registration fee. PhD students are expected to arrange their own accommodation and flights (for the international attendees).

Practical aspects
The course is expected to run October 21-25, 2024.
The venue is Mærsk Tower (15th floor), Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Copenhagen N.

Deadline for sign up and requirements for sign up
Deadline for registration is Monday 2 September 2024.
Deadline for supplemental information (i.e., motivation letter) is Friday 6 September 2024.
Applicants will be notified of their status (e.g., accepted, wait list, rejected) on an on going basis, with the last day for notification being Monday 9 September 2024.

The course is supported by the Danish Cardiovascular Academy and the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen.

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