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Advanced Analytical Chemistry – Sampling and Sample Preparation
Provider: Faculty of Science

Activity no.: 5696-24-09-31 
Enrollment deadline: 30/08/2024
PlaceDepartment of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Date and timeSeptember 2024 - November 2024
Regular seats30
Course fee8,000.00 kr.
ECTS credits7.50
Contact personGiorgio Tomasi    E-mail address: gito@plen.ku.dk
Enrolment Handling/Course OrganiserGiorgio Tomasi    E-mail address: gito@plen.ku.dk
Written languageEnglish
Teaching languageEnglish
Semester/BlockBlock 1
Scheme groupB2
Scheme group noteTuesdays 8.30 - 12 and Thursdays 8.30 - 17
Exam requirements2.5 ECTS Sampling only or 5 ECTS Sample Preparation
Exam formWritten assignment
Exam formOral examination
Exam detailsWritten assignment (Sampling) and oral examination (Sample Pretreatment). Grade passed/not passed for PhD-students. Internal censorship.
Grading scalePassed / Not passed
Course workload
Course workload categoryHours
Theory exercises30.00
Practical exercises8.00


Advanced course in how to take and prepare samples in analytical chemistry. This course is a natural extension of any basic course in analytical chemistry. Theory and practice of all sampling steps from the initial sample in the field to the final sample injected into the analytical instrument. Theory, computer simulations and simple experiments.
The course starts with a throughout treatment of Pierre Gy’s Theory of Sampling (TOS), which tells how to obtain a representative sample without systematic errors and with an acceptable uncertainty. Based on TOS the practice and tools for taking the samples and reduce the sample mass in a representative way is treated. All common matrices, soil, water and air, are addressed.

The sample preparation part includes active and passive sampling for gases (adsorbents, denuders, traps, filtering etc.), liquid, solid and headspace sampling for liquids (LLE, SPE, SPME SBSE SLE etc.) and liquid and headspace sampling from solids (shake, MW, US, PLE, SFE, etc.). The sample preparation part focus on organic analytes only

Learning outcome
This course enables the student to plan and perform sampling and sample preparation, including sampling strategy, determination of number of samples and sample size, sample selection, sampling techniques and tools, and methods for sample preparation for organic analytes, extraction, filtering, purification and pre-concentration including advanced methods like SPME, SBSE, PLE, SLE for common instrumental analytical methods.


Notes and selected articles will be used extensively.

Teaching and learning methods
Lectures, student presentations of curriculum, expert lectures and excursions, theoretical and practical group work, computer simulations.


All PhD students (including Danish Universities) are charged for instrument-time, laboratory expenses and expenses related to excursions amounting to a total of 8000 DKK.

Att.: PhD students enrolled at UCPH> Please provide us with "stedkode" and "alias" when you register by choosing "Enroll" at the upper right corner of the course description, so that UCPH Accounting Department can make an internal transfer regarding payment of the course fee.

Att.: PhD students enrolled at other universities than UCPH> After you have registered by choosing "Enroll" in the upper right corner of the course description, please pay the course fee via this link https://eventsignup.ku.dk/advanachemsamp  Payment via creditcard or Mobilepay only.
The registration is binding, and the course fee is non-refundable in case of participant cancellation after deadline 30th August 2024.

A course in instrumental analysis, like the course “Analytical Chemistry 1 LKEF10076”, is required. Knowledge of, or a course in basic statistics, is also recommended. For questions feel free to contact Giorgio Tomasi.

UCPH discloses non-sensitive personal data to course leader/speakers, if any. In addition, we will disclose non-sensitive personal data to the other participants in the course. Non-sensitive personal data includes names, job positions, institution names & addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.
NB. applicants outside UCPH applying for PhD courses for the first time: press "login for others" in upper right corner of website. Then choose "forgot password" and enter your mail. A password will be sent to your mail which enables you to make a login and enroll at the course

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