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Good Laboratory Behaviour
Provider: Department of Chemistry

Activity no.: 5786-24-10-11There are 30 available seats 
Enrollment deadline: 20/08/2025
PlaceFrederiksberg Campus
Bülowsvej 17, 1870 Frederiksberg C
Date and timeAugust 2025
Regular seats30
ECTS credits1.00
Contact personJørn Bolstad Christensen    E-mail address: jbc@chem.ku.dk
Enrolment Handling/Course OrganiserJørn Bolstad Christensen    E-mail address: jbc@chem.ku.dk
Teaching languageEnglish
Grading scalePassed / Not passed
Criteria for exam assessmentBased on a running evaluation of the effort
Course workload
Course workload categoryHours
Theoretical exercises17.50


The course is an introduction to laboratory work and how to incorporate laboratory safety into the daily work

Aim and content
The course is an introduction to laboratory work and how to incorporate laboratory safety into the daily work

The course is intended to give the participants an introduction to Good Laboratory Behavior, which is essential for being able to obtain reproducible and trustworthy research results in the laboratory.
Good Laboratory Behavior is following common guidelines including taking responsibility for safety and correct handling of chemicals, biologicals and equipment.
Day 1: 2 hours lecture + 3.5 hours theoretical exercise.
The course starts with a general overview of typical and important issues encountered in laboratory work i.e. safety regulations for handling chemicals, biologicals, equipment. This will be common for all.
The theoretical exercises will be case studies, where the students working in small groups are presented with a case (could be an accident, planning of lab work), that they have to solve.
The solutions will then be discussed in the class.

Day 2 -Day 5: Lectures on specialized topics that can be (depending on the fields of interest among the students) : Safe upscaling of experiments in the chemistry lab, Safety in microwave experiments,
Safety in cryogenic experiments (large vacuum vessels, power electronics in vacuum, handling cryoliquids), Safe and proper operation of pumps, Safety in trouble-shooting of ground loops and electromagnetic interference, Basic safety principles of electric apparatus, Basic safety in quantum device fabrication, Safety in experiments with lasers, Centrifuges, Handling of gases, Magnetic fields, Working in a LAF-bench, GMO.

Formal requirements
Thae course is for new PhD-students and they will have to provide information on the field of natural science where they are going to work. In this way, we can tailor the distribution between the different topics to fit to the actual need. The deadline for registration is May 1st

Learning outcome

•Possess an understanding of the fundamental safety aspects of working in a lab.


•Being able to plan laboratory work in a way that minimizes the risk of accidents.


•Must be able to plan and carry out research and development tasks in complex and unpredictable contexts.

Target group
Newly started PhD-students doing experimental laboratory work in Chemistry, Biology and Physics

Teaching and learning methods
Lectures giving an overview of a topic followed by theoretical exercises, where the students will work in groups analyzing cases (real life or constructed) and identifying potential causes of an accident or potential risks in a planned experiment.

The students must have been found qualified for a PhD-position in one of the relevant areas (Chemistry, Biology or Physics)

Guest lecturers will be invited for special topics if necessary (based on the input from the student’s registration

There is no course fee for KU-students.

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