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Copenhagen Plant Science Center – Current Advances in Plant Biology
Provider: Faculty of Science

Activity no.: 5693-25-09-31There are 20 available seats 
Enrollment deadline: 30/01/2025
PlaceDepartment of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Date and time17.03.2025, at: 09:00 - 06.05.2025, at: 12:00
Regular seats20
ECTS credits5.00
Contact personNanna Bjarnholt    E-mail address: nnb@plen.ku.dk
Enrolment Handling/Course OrganiserNanna Bjarnholt    E-mail address: nnb@plen.ku.dk
Written languageEnglish
Teaching languageEnglish
Block noteThe course runs for 6 weeks in the period 17. March - 6. May 2025 (mainly Mondays/Tuesdays/Friday mornings)
Grading scaleCompleted/ Not completed
Criteria for exam assessmentAt an agreed deadline after the course, the PhD student is to deliver a final ‘report’ in the form of a short review on their own topic, applying the principles discussed in class, and written with advice from their main supervisor
Course workload
Course workload categoryHours
Theoretical exercises71.50
Class Instruction12.00



The objectives of the course is to give the PhD-students good knowledge and understanding of new developments in plant physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology. Plant processes are taught in molecular detail with emphasis on the molecular mechanisms for plant response to environmental and developmental stimuli. Selected topics are treated in depth.
The course is taught over 6 weeks (March - May) with 4 lectures per week
+ in selected weeks extra talks with lunch on other days. Exact dates TBA. The students prepare an individual essay (in English) at the end of the course. The topic of the essay is chosen by each student in collaboration with the teacher. The lectures are given by specialists from departments across Copenhagen University with additional external/international speakers.

Examples of 
*Transport across cell membranes
*Photosynthesis and its regulation
*Light signalling and plant development
*Climate change and plant health
*Cell walls: evolution, biosynthesis and applications
*Biosynthesis and function of secondary plant products
*Genomic gene clusters in chemical defence
*Evolutionary Agroecology
*Starch synthesis
*Molecular biology of plant pathogen interactions
*Nutrient (phosphate) signalling
*Ethics of plant biotechnology

Aim and content

Plant science and plant molecular science, from fundamental plant biology to translational agriculture and the science of plant based foods.

The purpose of the course is to raise awareness and increase the understanding of the plant science activities that are taking place in the Copenhagen Plant Science Center (CPSC) and with their partners, among the PhD-students working in the departments affiliated with the CPSC or in other Danish institutions.  An additional aim is therefore to provide PhD students with a broad network in Danish plant science to support their future careers and train their confidence in discussing plant science orally and in writing, interacting with plant scientists from other disciplines etc.
The main part of the course is a lecture series, where scientists from departments across the CPSC and a few invited international speakers give lectures on their topic in plant science.  

Formal requirements
It is relevant for all PhD-students within plant science who have an interest in fundamental/molecuar/translational plant science. However, for a PhD student who does not have a plant science-related MSc or other similar experiences, it is recommended to follow the course in the second half of the PhD enrolment when the PhD student is more acquainted with the field.

Learning outcome
•Overview and understanding of the plant science that is taking place in the CPSC
•Knowledge of leading international plant scientists and plant science research environments
•Insights into the typical structure and formulation of review papers within their field

•Be able to read and understand review papers within a broader area of plant science
•Be able to engage in lectures and put the information into context with other lectures

•Be able to structure and write a scientific review within disciplines in plant science
•Be able to engage in lectures and formulate questions to the speakers

Literature will be provided by the teachers; one scientific review per lecture.

Target group
This course targets PhD-students within plant science, in particular those working in the fundamental/molecular plant science to translational space.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, reading, group discussions, presentations in class and interactions with speakers.

All lecturers will support the scientific discussions, and the main teacher (course responsible) will support the group work and discussions and presentations in class.
Student preparation involves reading the provided literature, as well as focused literature searches within own field to identify topics for review paper. Also preparation of short presentations to enable discussions of proposed outlines for their review papers with their peers and the main teacher.
In class, the PhD students will work in groups to discuss their individual ideas for their own review and structure and prepare a brief presentation for the whole class to discuss the ideas. Furthermore, in sessions during the course, we will discuss the contents of the talks and the relation between different disciplines etc.
Finally, for the invited speaker 
talks, there will be networking events where the group of PhD-students will interact with the speaker, and beforehand work together to come up with 4-5 questions to ask the speaker at this event.



There will be at least one speaker from each CPSC department that currently counts the following departments at University of Copenhagen:
Dpt. of Plant and Environment Sciences,
Dpt. of Biology,
Dpt. of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management,
Dpt. of Food Science,
The Globe Institute (part of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences)

In addition there will be 2-3 invited talks by leading international scientists. 

The course requires attendance at 75 % of the in-person teaching (lectures, group work, discussions and external speaker events), and hand-in of a scientific review of approximately 4,000 words. In addition to the word requirement/limit, to be approved the review must meet the best practice standards we agree in class

UCPH discloses non-sensitive personal data to course leader/speakers, if any. In addition, we will disclose non-sensitive personal data to the other participants in the course. Non-sensitive personal data includes names, job positions, institution names & addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses

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