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Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Healthcare
Provider: Science

Activity no.: 5198-25-02-01There are 25 available seats 
Enrollment deadline: 14/03/2025
Date and time02.09.2025, at: 09:00 - 05.09.2025, at: 16:00
Regular seats25
Course fee300.00 €
ECTS credits5.00
Contact personTariq Osman Andersen    E-mail address: tariq@di.ku.dk
Enrolment Handling/Course OrganiserTariq Osman Andersen    E-mail address: tariq@di.ku.dk
Written languageEnglish
Course workload
Course workload categoryHours
Class Instruction15.00
Class Exercises40.00


Aim and content
This PhD course is focused on understanding the key topics and approaches of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in healthcare. The aim with the PhD course is to support the development of the next generation of researchers working at the intersection of HCI and Health.
Research on HCI in healthcare has been growing steadily in the past years. Every HCI conference has regular workshops on the topic of healthcare, and the Workgroup on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) symposium at CHI is always well attended. More recently, the CHI conference welcomed the CHI Health subcommittee, which is one of the largest at the CHI conference today.
As the community prepares for a dedicated conference on HCI in healthcare, we believe it is timely to organize a PhD course that explores the uniqueness and key concepts, methodologies, and potential contributions of HCI research in healthcare.
The PhD course will be organised in two parts. We will start with an online programme of 12 talks, where researchers from all over the world will present recent studies on HCI in healthcare. Sessions will take around an hour, with the researcher presenting their work for 20-30 minutes and the remaining time for discussion led by the course participants. A group of 2-3 students will prepare the discussion, and all others will read the papers in preparation for the lecture.
The second part of the course will be in-person, at the University of Copenhagen. We are planning the course to last four or five days, including one day for reflections, panels, and a doctoral colloquium. The course programme will touch on different care contexts, including hospital care and surgery, self-care, public health, and remote care. We will have researchers presenting studies and tutorials on different methods, mentioning the specificities of working with a high stakes scenario and vulnerable audiences. We will also be holding panels on working in interdisciplinary research, collaborating with clinicians/patients, and publishing.

Formal requirements

Signing Up:
If you would like to participate please:

1) Register online by clicking on "Apply" and

2) send a motivational letter (1/2 to 1 page) mentioning current area of research, relevant experience, background training, and why the course would be relevant to support the PhD to course responsible Tariq Osmann Andersen mail tariq@di.ku.dk

Deadline for registration and sending the motivational letter: 14.03.2025 

Learning outcome
• Understand key concepts, approaches and types of contributions from HCI in healthcare

• Can reflect on potentials and drawbacks of different approaches around HCI in healthcare

• Plan and design a study for HCI in healthcare

Target group
Human-Computer Interaction, Design, Health Informatics, Information Systems and related fields.

Experience with or knowledge about digital design, healthcare technology, human-computer interaction

Teaching and learning methods
We will combine active learning with formative evaluation. The course is structured around different learning activities including reading and preparing discussions for scientific papers, collaborative exercises in-class, and peer feedback.

Evaluation will be continuous, formative and offered when students finish exercises for the online or in-person course.

Online programme (Tuesdays, June 3 till July 8, 2025) 
Session 1: June 3
Session 2: June 10
Session 3: June 17
Session 4: June 24
Session 5: July 1
Session 6: July 8

The lecturers we are considering for the 12 online sessions are:
• Daniel Epstein 
• Katie Pine 
• Aisling Ann O’Kane 
• David Coyle
• Maia Jacobs
• Christina Chung
• James R. Wallace
• Elizabeth Kaziunas
• Amid Ayobi 
• Melissa Densmore
• Roisin McNaney
• Pin Sym Foong

In-person programme (Tues-Fri, Sept 2 till Sept 6, 2025)
The lecturers we are considering for the course are:
• Francisco Nunes 
• Nervo Verdezoto 
• Ignacio Avellino
• Anja Thieme  
• Jakob Bardram
• Jesper Simonsen 
• Naja Holten Møller 
• Sarah Homewood 
• Tariq Osman Andersen 

There is a course fee of 300 euro for participants registering from outside Denmark.
Participants are expected to pay for their travel and accommodation. Food and refreshments will be provided at the event. A social dinner is included.

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