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Introduction to ATD for mathematics education researchers
Provider: Faculty of Science

Activity no.: 5645-23-08-30 
Enrollment deadline: 01/09/2023
PlaceInstitut for Naturfagenes Didaktik
Rådmandsgade 64, 2200 København N
Date and time02.10.2023, at: 09:00 - 06.10.2023, at: 18:00
Regular seats20
ECTS credits5.00
Contact personCarl Winsløw    E-mail address: winslow@ind.ku.dk
Enrolment Handling/Course OrganiserCarl Winsløw    E-mail address: winslow@ind.ku.dk
Course workload
Course workload categoryHours
Preparation of presentation5.00
Course Preparation60.00


Participants will receive a broad introduction to the anthropological theory of the didactic (ATD) as a framework for research on mathematics education, in particular didactic transposition theory, praxeological analysis, Herbartian schemas and Didactical Engineering based on Study and Research Paths. Moreover, elements of the history of ATD will be outlined.

Formal requirements
When you have made your registration you must also send an email to Carl Winsløw winslow@ind.ku.dk.
This email must contain your CV and a description of your PhD project.

Decision on acceptance to the course is given by Carl Winsløw within a week after receiving this email.

Enroll in the course as soon as possible. Course registration closes when 20 registrations have been accepted.

Learning outcome
As a result of attending the course, participants will:
• Acquire a solid foundation in the recent advances in the theoretical framework and methods of current ATD research
• Develop the ability to recognize and validate problems within this framework
• Acquire an understanding of relevant research techniques and their application within this framework
• Gain knowledge of central texts from the ATD based literature in mathematics education (in English)
• Gain experience with writing scientific, peer-reviewed manuscripts (that can be developed further into publications at the participants’ own initiative).

The course will be based (in part) by selected chapter from: Y. Chevallard, B. Barquero, M. Bosch, I. Florensa, J. Gascón, P.Nicolás, and N. Ruiz-Munzón (Eds., 2022): Advances in the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic. Birkäuser Cham

Guest Lecturers:
Professor Marianna Bosch (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Associate Professor Yukiko Asami-Johansson (Gävle University, Sweden)
Professor Reinhard Hochmuth (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany)

UCPH Lecturers:
Professor Carl Winsløw (course responsible)
Assistant Professor Britta Jessen

By September 15, participants must submit a 5-page synopsis of their own research and how they propose to use the theoretical framework in their work (based on their own readings prior to the course)

During the presence part of the course in Copenhagen, from Oct. 2 and 9AM to Oct.6 at 3PM, participants must actively participate to develop their ideas under the supervision of the course teachers and guest lecturers. This includes giving a 20 min presentation of their 5-page synopsis

By November 1, participants must submit a 10-page paper on the use of the theoretical framework in their own research.

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