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Biological X-ray and Neutron Imaging
Provider: Faculty of Science

Activity no.: 5732-25-09-31There are 10 available seats 
Enrollment deadline: 14/05/2025
PlaceDepartment of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Date and time26.05.2025, at: 09:00 - 11.06.2025, at: 16:00
Regular seats10
Course fee500.00 kr.
ECTS credits2.50
Contact personAlexander Schulz    E-mail address: als@plen.ku.dk
Enrolment Handling/Course OrganiserAlexander Schulz    E-mail address: als@plen.ku.dk
Semester/BlockBlock 4
Block noteThe last 3 weeks of block 4
Grading scaleCompleted/ Not completed
Criteria for exam assessmentShort report of the images recorded at the showcases
Course workload
Course workload categoryHours
Practical exercises8.00
Theoretical exercises6.00


Relevant for students within medical and biological sciences 

Aim and content
This advanced biological imaging course module will introduce to X-ray imaging as possible with lab and hospital X-ray instruments or synchrotron beamlines. The course is relevant for PhD students within biological, chemical, physical, medical and pharmaceutical sciences. An important focus will be laid on computed tomography of three-dimensional samples. The application of X-ray imaging will be compared with MRI imaging and the emerging Neutron imaging in biological, pre-clinical and clinical research. Theory of the X-ray and Neutron imaging specific questions of image formation, resolution and radiation damage will be discussed with the experts at the excursions to the equipment available in the Øresund region at the DTU and the synchrotron and linear accelerators (MAX IV and ESS).

Formal requirements
Open for students after taking UCPH’s basic Biological Imaging or if the relevant knowledge was acquired in advance, e.g., through other imaging courses at UCPH or other universities. In doubt contact als@plen.ku.dk

Learning outcome
This course aims at giving the student an understanding of biomedical imaging using X-ray instruments. The course includes show cases and hands-on at relevant instruments and, thus, will be an important asset for students that want to integrate and soft-matter imaging in their projects.

After the course the student should be able to:

•Describe properties of X-rays and neutrons and their impact on biological specimens;
•Understand the principles of computed tomography;
•Find the respective instruments in the Øresund region

•Receive a basic understanding of 3D imaging software and apply it on data as produced by computed tomography
•Understand the difference between axial, transverse, median sagittal or parasagittal planes of patients or biological organisms

•Describe the difference between X-ray and neutron imaging;
•Judge suitability of MAX IV or ESS to solve scientific questions of a project within Biology, Biology-Biotechnology, Medicine and Technology, Molecular Biomedicine, Nanoscience or Pharmaceutical Sciences

Relevant background material and journal articles will be electronically available at the start of the course

Target group
PhD students within Life and Biomedical Sciences

To be determined by our colleagues at DTU and Lund (MAX IV and ESS)

Collaborating Department:
Faculty of Science / Dpt. of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Lund University / MAX IV Laboratory
Lund University / European Spallation Source (ESS)

All PhD students are charged for transportation expenses (tickets to LUND and DTU) amounting to a total of 500 DKK for this course module.


PhD students enrolled at UCPH> Please provide us with "stedkode" and "alias" when you register by choosing "Apply" at the upper right corner of the course description, so that UCPH Accounting Department can make an internal transfer regarding payment of the course fee.

PhD students enrolled at other universities than UCPH: After you have registered by choosing "Apply" in the upper right corner of the course description, please pay the course fee via this link https://eventsignup.ku.dk/bio-xray-neutron-imaging-course-5732-25-09-31
Payment via creditcard or Mobilepay only.

The registration is binding, and the course fee is non-refundable in case of participant cancellation after enrolment deadline 14 Mayl 2025.
UCPH discloses non-sensitive personal data to course leader/speakers, if any. In addition, we will disclose non-sensitive personal data to the other participants in the course. Non-sensitive personal data includes names, job positions, institution names & addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.
NB. applicants outside UCPH applying for PhD courses for the first time: press "login for others" in upper right corner of website. Then choose "forgot password" and enter your mail. A password will be sent to your mail which enables you to make a login and apply for the course.

This course is an add-on module to the imaging course “Biological Imaging – Basic Module”, PhD course no. 5721-25-09-31 (course responsible: Professor Alexander Schulz, PLEN) sceduled for the last 3 weeks of the 8-week course (7,5 ECTS in total), but can also be taken seperately, if the requirements are fullfilled.

Overview add-on modules:
1) Biological Mass Spectrometry Imaging (PLEN) 2,5 ECTS
2) Biological X-ray and Neutron Imaging (PLEN), 2,5 ECTS
3) Biological IR and Raman Imaging (IGN), 2,5 ECTS

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