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IMPORTANT Due to maintenance, the course catalogue may not be used at the following times:
Monday 9 December 2024 between 6:00-8:00 AM
Tuesday 10 December 2024 between 6:00-8:00 AM
Please wait until after 8:00 AM on the two days before logging in to the course catalogue and before registering for courses.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
HOW DO YOU LOG IN TO THE COURSE CATALOGUE? We refer to the menu to the left for the different options. Or you may click here
IF ENROLLED AT SUND: USE YOUR SUND EMAIL ADDRESS WHEN LOGGING IN If you are enrolled at SUND, please use the email address connected to your KU-id to sign into the course catalogue. Please note that the Graduate School will communicate exclusively to your SUND email address.
IF YOU WANT TO CANCEL AN ENROLMENT IN A COURSE When you are logged in you can manage your enrolments under MY PAGES à MY ENROLLMENTS in the top left corner (house icon).
Cancellations made up to two weeks before the course starts are free of charge For further information we refer to: Course and cancellation fees for PhD courses
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT PHD COURSES We refer to our FAQ where you will find answers to general questions about PhD courses