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Image Integrity - EMBO workshop (Online)
Provider: Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Activity no.: 3904-20-00-00 
Enrollment deadline: 26/10/2020
Date and time26.11.2020, at: 09:00 - 12:30
Regular seats19
Course fee600.00 kr.
Contact personMia Dabelsteen    E-mail address: mia.dabelsteen@sund.ku.dk
Enrolment Handling/Course OrganiserPhD administration     E-mail address: phdkursus@sund.ku.dk

Aim and content

Learning objectives
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:

- understand the concept of Research Integrity and the RI 4 principles.
- gain an understanding of the image aberrations seen at the EMBO journals.
- understand what type of image handling is considered correct and adequate and what is not. They will be able to compare different images and conclude which one are acceptable and which are not.
- learn how the EMBO Press journals routinely screen for image issues and how the journals respond to detected aberrations. They will be able to identify problems and define solutions.
- will develop a concrete to improve their work to ensure that the principles of RI are respected and that image aberrations are not an issue in the comunication of their research.

1) What is Research Integrity (RI): an overview – 30’
This introductory module will ‘set the scene’ to ensure that everyone has a shared
understanding of the concepts to be discussed in the ensuing modules. Participants will be made aware of the RI 4 principles (honesty, accountability, professional courtesy and stewardship) and the 14 responsibilities for an ethical conduct of research documents in the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity

2) Data/image aberrations – 30’
Participants will gain an understanding of the common and less common image aberrations we see at the EMBO journals, the different degrees of severity that we use to classify misconduct, what the journals do about each category of breach, how many of the cases are escalated to institutional investigations, and what ultimately happens to papers and their authors.
Participants will be introduced to real examples, with ‘forensic’ analysis, both pre- and postpublication.
They will begin to explore the following two questions:
• How do you notice issues with image integrity?
• What could you do about them?

3) Journal processes for detecting image integrity breach – 40’
This module gives a more in-depth view of how the EMBO Press journals routinely screen for image issues and how the journals respond. Participants will gain an overview of the journal’s workflow for screening about-to-be-accepted papers, detecting potential data/image issues, alerting authors, requesting original raw data, analyzing data, and taking action to resolve issues if possible.

4) Journal processes for dealing with data aberrations – 90’
Participants will be taken through an exercise that puts them in the role of editor and guides them to assess and take action on an integrity breach. The exercise aims to introduce them both to the nuance/complexity and severity of image aberrations and misconduct. Participants will be provided with the kind of report an editor receives after a screen for data/image aberrations and will be asked to analyze the issues highlighted. They will be asked to decide on the severity of what is seen and to take one or more of the following actions: i) alert the authors, ii) request additional material (raw data), iii) report to the Institution.

5) Consolidation of understanding and next steps – 30’
To consolidate the session’s learning experience into practical steps and habits that
participants can develop in the laboratory, we will use the Singapore Statement on RI introduced in module 1 and the work we have done throughout the workshop to synthesize best practices in and outside the lab to ensure that research is well-done, reproducible and of high quality. Students will leave the workshop with a concrete plan of what they’re going to continue/enhance/change/introduce in their lab to ensure that the principles and responsibilities of RI are respected and that image aberrations are not an issue in their communication of their research.

The participants will be students involved in biomedical research involving wet laboratory work and image handling.

Relevance to graduate programmes
The course is relevant to PhD students from the following graduate programmes at the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, UCPH:

All graduate programmes

See information about graduate programmes.


Lectures and group work including discussion and exercises.

Course director
Mia Dabelsteen

Celine Carret, Senior Editor, EMBO solutions GmbH.
Names, titles, affiliations

26 November 2020, 9:00-12:30. (Moved from 16 September 2020, 12:30-17:00 due to the corona-virus-situation).

Course location
The course will be conducted online due to the corona-virus-situation.

Please register before 26 October 2020.

Seats to PhD students from other Danish universities will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis and according to the applicable rules.
Applications from other participants will be considered after the last day of enrolment.

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