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Clinical Research Method (Klinisk Forskningsmetode)
Provider: Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Activity no.: 3716-24-00-00
Enrollment deadline: 10/05/2024
Date and time
10.06.2024, at: 09:00 - 17.06.2024, at: 16:00
Regular seats
Course fee
6,120.00 kr.
Vibeke Backer
ECTS credits
Contact person
Marianne Bøje E-mail address: marianne.boeje@regionh.dk
Enrolment Handling/Course Organiser
PhD administration E-mail address: phdkursus@sund.ku.dk
Aim and content
This is a generic course. This means that the course is reserved for PhD students at the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences at UCPH.
Anyone can apply for the course, but if you are not a PhD student at the Graduate School, you will be placed on the waiting list until enrollment deadline. After the enrolment deadline, available seats will be allocated to the waiting list.
The course is free of charge for PhD students at Danish universities (except Copenhagen Business School), and for PhD students at NorDoc member faculties. All other participants must pay the course fee.
Learning objectives
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
1. Formulate a scientific hypothesis
2. Gain tools to critically evaluate your own and others* projects
3. Perform a sample size/power calculation
4. Describe different study designs in medical research
5. Build a scientific database and disseminate scientific results
The students will understand the rationale behind formulation of a good scientific hypothesis. They will gain knowledge about study designs in medical research. They will be able to judge the scientific merit of research projects and to point out weaknesses in their own projects. Through discussion they will gain knowledge about recruiting and retaining study subjects and perform an electronic GCP training.
The students will be able to explain the design and rationale of their own project and of other research projects. They will be able to analyse and discuss their own project in the context of the obtained knowledge about medical research methodology.
The students will be able to formulate a scientific hypothesis. They will be able to identify the central elements and give qualified estimates in order perform a sample size/power calculation. They will be able to discuss a scientific hypothesis and its relationship with study design, database preparation and data analysis – although it is not a statistically course. They will be able to design a database for statistical data analysis. Lastly, they will be able to perform a short oral presentation of the scientific part in their project.
1. be able to present a scientific hypothesis based on an acknowledged biological rationale
2. be able to propose an appropriate study design for various research questions including considerations on power calculation/sample size
3. be able to identify possible bias and pitfalls in various study design
4. Have insight into the various possibilities for research projects and the required permissions from regulatory authorities and strategies for recruitment of study participants
5. be able to communicate their research results in various national and international fora
Medical research methodology, study designs, critical appraisal of scientific studies, hypothesis formulation, recruitment of study subjects, power and sample size, database preparation, regulatory tools.
PhD students who are at the beginning of their education
Relevance to graduate programmes
The course is relevant to PhD students from the following graduate programmes at the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, UCPH:
All graduate programmes
Lectures, discussions, group work, master classes, oral presentations, practical exercises
Course director
Vibeke Backer, professor, MD, DMSc
Centre for Physical activity Research, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark &
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery & Audiology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
E-mail: backer@dadlnet.dk
Vibeke Backer, professor, MD, DMSc
Centre for Physical activity Research, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark and Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery & Audiology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
E-mail: backer@dadlnet.dk
Charlotte Ulrik, professor, MD, DMSc
Head of GP “Airways, Anesthesiology and Skin”
Department of Respiratory Medicine
Hvidovre Hospital
Kettegårds Alle 26
2650 Hvidovre
Simon Francis Thomsen, professor, MD, DMSc
Department of Dermatology
Bispebjerg Hospital
DK-2400 Copenhagen NV
E-mail: simonfrancisthomsen@gmail.com
Howraman Meteran, MD, PhD, post doc
Department of Internal Medicine, Respiratory Section
Herlev-Gentofte Hospital &
Department of Microbiolgy and Immunology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences,
University of Copenhagen
E-mail: hmeteran@gmail.com
Kjell Erik Julius Håkansson, MD, post doc
Johannes Grand, MD, post doc
10 June 2024
11 June 2024
17 June 2024
From 9-15.30
Course location
Rigshospitalet, Inge Lehmannsvej 8, 2100 Copenhagen Ø
Entrance 7, 7th floor, section 7075, ENT-meeting room
Please register before 10 May 2024
Expected frequency
Twice a year
Seats to PhD students from other Danish universities will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis and according to the applicable rules. Applications from other participants will be considered after the last day of enrolment.
Note: All applicants are asked to submit invoice details in case of no-show, late cancellation or obligation to pay the course fee (typically non-PhD students). If you are a PhD student, your participation in the course must be in agreement with your principal supervisor.
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