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Responsible Conduct of Research 2: Getting Ready for Submission
Provider: Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Activity no.: 3999-24-00-21
Enrollment deadline: 19/05/2024
Date and time
19.06.2024, at: 12:15 - 16:00
Regular seats
Course fee
960.00 kr.
Peter Sandøe
ECTS credits
Contact person
RCR sekretærgruppe E-mail address: RCR@ifro.ku.dk
Enrolment Handling/Course Organiser
PhD administration E-mail address: phdkursus@sund.ku.dk
Aim and content
”Special rules apply for this course”
1. This course is only for PhD students enrolled at SUND in the second or last year of their PhD Plan. All other applicants will get a rejection.
2. Please note that you will be charged a course fee if you do not cancel your seat on time. Please read our cancellation policy:
Purpose of the Course
When submitting a paper or a PhD thesis one is typically confronted with a great deal of responsible conduct of research issues. These are issues on open access requirements, data management, authorship issues, documentation of ethical and legal permissions, declaring one’s conflicts of interest, etc. The purpose of this course is to help the PhD student to submit, responsibly and successfully, the PhD student’s thesis as well as papers to scientific journals.
Learning objectives
- Understand what it takes to stay clear of plagiarism and self-plagiarism.
- Understand and interpret the result of iTthenticate’s screening for duplicate text.
- Understand and apply relevant legal, scientific and societal norms (of e.g., but not limited to, Responsible Conduct of Research) in regards to the following specific subjects:
* Plagiarism and self-plagiarism
* Copyright
* Open access
* Authorship
* Conflicts of interests
* Ethical and legal permissions
* Data management
Requirements and expectations
Prior to the course the PhD student must have some draft of a paper intended to be submitted to a scientific journal, or (if the PhD student is writing a monography) some draft of a dissertation. The course is intended for PhD students who expect to submit their PhD thesis within 12 months. We recommend that the PhD student has passed the mandatory RCR1 course prior to this course.
Format of the course
4 hours course with teacher presentations and exercises directly aligned with the mandatory assignment.
Content of the course
- (Self-) plagiarism issues
- Interpretation of iThenticate results
- Copyright issues
- Choosing journals to publish in
- Open Access issues
- Authorship issues
- Conflicts of interest issues
- Issues relating to ethical permissions
- Data Management issues
- Other issues
The PhD student is given a list of challenges to guide the PhD student’s submission(s) of papers and thesis. The PhD student’s assignment is to fill out a logbook following the list and, for each checkpoint, explain how the PhD student is dealing with the challenge, or how the PhD student intends to deal with the challenge. One week after the course the PhD student submits the logbook to the teacher of the course.
Two weeks after submission of the logbook, the PhD student receives a notification of the logbook being approved or not approved. If not approved the PhD student will receive an explanation and be asked to revise and re-submit within two weeks. All exchange of logbooks happens via Absalon and all parts of this assignment are mandatory.
The PhD student has three attempts to pass the assignment. If the assignment is not passed after three attempts, the PhD student must take the course again. Failure to meet a deadline results in a failed attempt.
Participation in this course will be granted 1.0 ECTS.
Each course has no more than 25 participating PhD students.
Course Directors
Head of Graduate School, Professor Rikke Buhl (SUND), and Professor Peter Sandøe (SUND/SCIENCE).
The course takes place at Panum, Blegdamsvej 3b, 2200 Copenhagen N.
Room 13.1.80, Mærsk Tårnet
Note: All applicants are asked to submit invoice details in case of no-show, late cancellation or obligation to pay the course fee (typically non-PhD students). If you are a PhD student, your participation in the course must be in agreement with your principal supervisor.
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