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Statistical analysis of survival data
Provider: Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Activity no.: 3300-24-00-01There are no available seats 
Enrollment deadline: 07/08/2024
Date and time04.09.2024, at: 08:00 - 06.11.2024, at: 12:00
Regular seats25
Course fee6,480.00 kr.
LecturersThomas Scheike
ECTS credits5.00
Contact personSusanne Kragskov Laupstad    E-mail address: skl@sund.ku.dk
Enrolment Handling/Course OrganiserPhD administration     E-mail address: phdkursus@sund.ku.dk

Aim and content
This is a generic course. This means that the course is reserved for PhD students at the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences at UCPH.

Anyone can apply for the course, but if you are not a PhD student at the Graduate School, you will be placed on the waiting list until enrollment deadline. After the enrolment deadline, available seats will be allocated to the waiting list.

The course is free of charge for PhD students at Danish universities (except Copenhagen Business School), and for PhD students at NorDoc member faculties. All other participants must pay the course fee

Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to make the participants able to
- do simple survival analyses
- critically read medical papers using survival analysis techniques
- understand and interpret the outcome of survival analyses

Kaplan-Meier estimation, log-rank test, stratified analysis, Cox-regression. Censoring and truncation. Competing risks. Practical implementation of the techniques through computer labs and home assignments.

PhD-students. In case of vacant seats also other medical researchers. Max. 25 participants.

Relevance to graduate programmes
The course is relevant to PhD students from the following graduate programmes at the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, UCPH:

All graduate programmes

Danish or English.

The course consists of lectures and computer sessions (bring your own laptop) illustrating the implementation and interpretation, as well as self-study preparation and weekly mandatory home assignments (quizzes) in Absalon (UCPH's teaching platform) supported by discussion threads. The exercises are based on the statistical software R. The course requires active homework and preparation, and will be passed by answering at least 80% of the online home assignments and satisfactorily responding to a take-home exam. The course assumes prior knowledge about basic statistics on the level achieved in the PhD course “Basic Statistics for Health Researchers'”.

Course director
Pprofessor Thomas Scheike, Section of Biostatistics.

Members of the staff at Section of Biostatistics.

Wednesdays 4, 11, 18, 25 September, 2, 9, 23 October 2024, all days 8-12. Online exercises between these dates. Take-home exam hand in deadline 6 November 2024.

Course location

Please register before 7 August 2024

Seats to PhD students from other Danish universities will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis and according to the applicable rules.
Applications from other participants will be considered after the last day of enrollment.

Note: All applicants are asked to submit invoice details in case of no-show, late cancellation or obligation to pay the course fee (typically non-PhD students). If you are a PhD student, your participation in the course must be in agreement with your principal supervisor.

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