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Introduction to cosmochemistry and planet formation
Provider: Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Activity no.: 3479-24-00-00 
Enrollment deadline: 31/05/2024
Date and time19.08.2024, at: 09:00 - 23.08.2024, at: 17:00
Regular seats20
Course fee2,640.00 kr.
LecturersMichiel Lambrechts
ECTS credits3.40
Contact personLine Juul Larsen    E-mail address: line.juul.larsen@sund.ku.dk
Enrolment Handling/Course OrganiserPhD administration     E-mail address: phdkursus@sund.ku.dk

Aim and content
This course is free of charge for PhD students at Danish universities (except Copenhagen Business School), and for PhD Students from NorDoc member faculties. All other participants must pay the course fee.

Anyone can apply for the course, but if you are not a PhD student at a Danish university, you will be placed on the waiting list until enrollment deadline. This also applies to PhD students from NorDoc member faculties. After the enrollment deadline, available seats will be allocated to applicants on the waiting list.

Learning objectives
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
1. Describe the modern theory for planet formation
2. Use isotopic measurements of meteorites to understand the history of planet formation in the Solar System
3. Have insight into observations of protoplanetary discs around young stars and connect these observations to the likely properties of the solar protoplanetary disc
4. Understand the physical reasons behind mass transport through the protoplanetary disc and the influence of gas and dust transport on planet formation
5. Compare the architectures of extrasolar planetary systems with the Solar System and understand the origin of the differences

This course covers the formation of the planets in the Solar System and around other stars (a) from the perspective of the meteoritic evidence, (b) from the theory of planet formation and (c) from observations of protoplanetary discs and exoplanets. The focus of the cosmochemistry part is on introducing the different meteorite classes, age determination of the components of meteorites and the measured elemental abundances and isotope ratio of meteorites. Emphasis will be made on the meteoric evidence for how the planets formed in the Solar System. The planet formation theory part covers the properties of protoplanetary discs around young stars, radial transport of gas and dust, dust growth within these discs, the formation of planetesimals and the assembly of planetary systems. Finally, the observational part covers the observations of the formation and evolution of protoplanetary discs, observations of dust growth in these discs and observations of small and large exoplanets around other stars.

The target group is PhD students working on cosmochemistry, planet formation or star formation. The course level will be made generally accessible to PhD students from across the Globe Institute and will be promoted on an international level across the disciplines.

Relevance to graduate programmes
The course is relevant to PhD students from the Globe PhD program:
- Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences.


Lectures, discussions, preparatory reading, poster presentations and group work on exercises

Course director
Michiel Lambrechts, Associate Professor, Globe Institute, michiel.lambrechts@sund.ku.dk
Elishevah van Kooten, Assistant Professor, Globe Institute, Elishevah.vankooten@sund.ku.dk
Co-director: Anders Johansen, Professor, Globe Institute, Anders.Johansen@sund.ku.dk

Anders Johansen, Professor, GLOBE Institute, Anders.Johansen@sund.ku.dk
Martin Bizzarro, Professor, GLOBE Institute, Bizzarro@sund.ku.dk
Elishevah van Kooten, Assistant Professor, GLOBE Institute, Elishevah.vanKooten@sund.ku.dk
Martin Schiller, Associate Professor, GLOBE Institute, Schiller@sund.ku.dk
Michiel Thomas A Lambrechts, Associate Professor, GLOBE Institute, michiel.lambrechts@sund.ku.dk
Caroline Dorn, Associate Professor, University of Zurich, cdorn@physik.uzh.ch

19-23 August 2024

Course location
Natural History Museum, Øster Voldgade 5-7, 1350 Copenhagen K

Please register before 31 may 2024 using the course website and also by sending afterwards an email with title ”course registration” to michiel.lambrechts@sund.ku.dk

Expected frequency

Seats to PhD students from other Danish universities will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis and according to the applicable rules.
Applications from other participants will be considered after the last day of enrolment.

Note: All applicants are asked to submit invoice details in case of no-show, late cancellation or obligation to pay the course fee (typically non-PhD students). If you are a PhD student, your participation in the course must be in agreement with your principal supervisor.

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